Process strategy principles
This is a tool to optimally transform mixed strategy (process representation) parts into actions(process).
- Objectives are made for a infinite term planning.
- Strategies are made for a long term planning and translated from objectives grouped by objectives.
- Projects are made for a middle term planning from mixed strategy parts grouped by work type and strategies.
- Tasks are made for a short term planning from mixed projects parts grouped by work type.
These points above are organized from very high level to very low level, as much a level is low as high process description is precise.
Organization principles are tools to write a textual representation of these process composed of information that describes process procedure. Efficiency principles are tools to translate these textual representations of a process into real mechanical and biological process.
As high the process description level is, as much its representation is grouped by objectives, as low the process description level is, as much its representation is grouped by process skills and type. This to minimize effort switching subject (objective) for a planning process and skills for a processing process.
Organization principles
- Output must justify input.
- Choose directive parts that are optimal to work on for the workday.
- To optimally choose what to work on using these principles above:
- Seething with a cost-conscious driven mindset to minimize effort.
- Do efficiency improvement process first to maximize the exchange rate.
- You can increase motivation by a knowing-doing actual optimal task to achieve the defined objective.
- First things first by urgency then importance with knowing strategies deadlines.
- Directive parts chosen must be optimally transformed into sub-process.
- Sub-process can be time planned, prioritized and sequenced or not.
Efficiency principles
- Processing perfectly a task mean with the best exchange rate.
- Do whatever it takes to ensure the best efficiency.
- Don’t let something take the control, have it.
- Don’t stay in comfort zone, persist in front of obstacles.
- See each little malfunction or process like something you can improve.
- Be happy for quick wins and a slightly positive.
- Be concentrate, focus on actual process and make effort.
- Don't wait on other process or process quality.
Do your best, trust you, you are the last efficiency parameter.See Work my system project for more information about this framework and it's used words.